Selected references - M&A

  • Advice of a stock corporation in its sale to a private equity house by way of a capital increase
  • Advice of the shareholders of an automation company on the sale of the majority shareholding to a competitor
  • Advice of an Indian container glass producer on the sale of its subsidiary in Germany
  • Advice of an SAP consulting firm on the acquisition of a competitor with locations in Germany and Switzerland and relating to an add-on-acquisition
  • Advice of a family office on the acquisition of a bicycle wholesaler and in an add-on-acquisition of a competitor in Belgium
  • Advice of an automotive supplier on the establishment of several joint ventures, including a joint venture in China
  • Advice of the stockholders of a stock corporation on the reorganisation of their shareholding structure
  • Advice of an entrepreneur on the sale of shares as part of the business succession
  • Advice of foreign investors on the acquisition of shares in a manufacturer of optical components
  • Advice of a retailer on the acquisition of a participation in a tech start-up in France in a series C financing round and on the acquisition of a retail group in Spain
  • Advising a large German supplier of technical building equipment in several acquisitions
  • Advising a property development group on several projects and acquisitions
  • Advice of a corporate center on the sale of a temporary work agency
  • Advice of a rail logistics company in several acquisitions
  • Advice of a construction materials company on the acquisition of a large number of sites for the extraction and processing of raw materials by way of a combined share and asset deal

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