and all from one source.

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About us

Who we are

Holistic in our approach, independent in our work, and at your complete service: more than 90 dedicated professionals work for us at our offices in Hamburg and Leipzig, including 30 lawyers, tax advisors and auditors. Depending on the specific mandate, we pool our knowledge in interdisciplinary teams of experts from various sectors and fields of practice. And since our foundation in 2011, we have already tripled the number of our staff – an achievement that speaks for our approach.

What we do
Our clients benefit from the combined know-how of our firm. To provide this advantage, we fuse the expertise that we have in the fields of Legal Services, Tax Advice, Auditing and Financial Advisory. This, we think, is the best way to work effectively, because many of today's challenges are more complex than ever before. Whether the task is setting up a new enterprise or restructuring a company, completing complex M&A transactions or corporate succession, there are decisions about business management, legal aspects and tax issues to be made – and these go hand in hand. And we guide you through this entire process.

How we work
Good advice is more than just applying the right laws and regulations. To find truly effective solutions, the focus must be individual and people must always be at the centre of our concern and attention. In our attitude – and in everything we can achieve for you. Passion, promptness and creativity are our hallmarks. We look in all directions – and concentrate on the essentials. We have high standards, yet remain intelligible. And we are prepared to think outside the box, to follow unconventional paths to achieve our goal: the optimal solution for your needs.

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