Selected references - Reorganisation and restructuring

  • Special machine builder, approx. 140 employees, one-year interim management support, operating as a going concern with operative profits, successful implementation of M&A process, development of confirmed insolvency plan, release of restructured company from insolvency plan proceedings
  • High-tech nanotechnology company with international reach, approx. 100 employees, restructuring concept IDW S 6, implementation of measures (streamlining of management board, worldwide sales presence, establishment of US and Asia operations, group controlling), successful restructuring and restoration of debt service capability, support in sale to market-listed US group
  • Group of companies with real estate portfolio, financing volume € 235 million, restructuring of bond structure, support in transaction and restructuring shareholder structure, restructuring concept IDW S 6
  • Special electric motor builder, approx. 160 employees, restructuring concept IDW S 6, restructuring support and controlling, implementation of measures, M&A process including support due diligence
  • Plant constructor, approx. 50 employees, restructuring concept IDW S 6, successful search for strategic partner, current implementation of measures and restructuring support
  • Integrated special machine builder for plastic injection moulding / tool and fixture construction, approx. 150 employees, initiation of M&A process
  • Company Media industry, approx. 250 employees, audit of the requirements according to § 270 b InsO (IDW S 9)

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