Selected references - M&A

  • Advice of a construction materials company on a number of acquisitions, including the acquisition of a large number of sites for the extraction and processing of raw materials by way of a combined share and asset deal
  • Advice of the shareholders of an automation company on the sale of the majority shareholding to a competitor, including vendor due diligence
  • Advice of foreign investors on the acquisition of shares in a manufacturer of optical components, including financial due diligence
  • Advice of a family office, including financial due diligence, on the acquisition of a bicycle wholesaler
  • Transaction advisory services regarding trade/secondary sales of several e-commerce companies – advice of the founders, investors or the companies itself
  • Transaction advisory services regarding numerous financing rounds
  • Transaction advisory service of MBOs and business successions
  • Advice on and organization of numerous structured trade sale processes
  • Numerous valuations of business and company
  • Valuation services regarding capital increase and restructuring
  • Purchase Price Allocation Study
  • Audit of purchase price determination

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