Good advice
in every

1243 Roser HH 2023 CM

One goal

the best

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To the point.
The Roser blog.

Roser LE CM W6 A7419

Where we excel

We have one single goal: to come up with the best answer to meet the challenge you have given us. We quickly understand what's on your mind and what you want to achieve with us. We are specialists – and team players. It is our firm conviction that commercial legal services and tax advice must go hand in hand to be thorough and successful and should form part of an integrated, interdisciplinary approach. With the best minds in their fields – united in an effective and high-level team.

Our team

From legal and tax consulting to auditing: we are passionate about our work, and we are efficient and exacting. Just like our clients – and the solutions we find for them.

1126 Roser HH 2023 CM
Roser LE CM W6 A7319


What drives us is also what we are looking for in new members of our team: taking pleasure and pride in our work. Enjoying business and legal challenges. And being open to seeking out new and creative perspectives time and again for a wide range of problems and issues. To live up to this aspiration each day anew, we are looking for trainees and articled clerks, qualified lawyers, tax consultants and auditors, as well as assistants and experienced audit managers.


Reaching us is easy: we look forward to your phone call, your e-mail or your personal visit to our office.

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